Commercial Property & Liability Insurance in Kingsburg, Fresno, Selma, Hanford, Dinuba, Visalia & surrounding areas

Experts At Protecting Your Business
Draper Smith Insurance Group

Your business represents more than a fixed asset or single financial investment. You, your business partners, and your employees depend on your business for their financial stability. Making sure that your company’s physical assets are protected to the point that they can be replaced following a loss is vital for the ongoing success of your company…and the financial well-being of partners and employees. Since 1948, Draper Smith Insurance Group has provided superior commercial property and liability coverage for companies just like yours.

The Most Important Investment Your Company Can Make

For serious business owners, Commercial Property Insurance isn’t an option but a significant necessity.
Your commercial property insurance can cover you even if you lease your building property, providing protection for:

  • Commercial Building
  • Outdoor Signage
  • Furniture and Equipment
  • Business Inventory
  • Landscaping and Fences
  • Property of Others

Business Interruption Coverage

Commercial property insurance can also include Business Interruption Coverage. This coverage will reimburse a business owner for any profits lost and/or fixed expenses incurred while your business is closed due to a covered loss. This coverage applies as restoration of your premises is underway. In some cases, business income Insurance may also reimburse you should Civil Authorities limit access to your neighborhood or business following a disaster.

Coverage Available For Today’s Technology

Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Insurance is a separate coverage designed with modern technology in mind. Since most commercial property policies have specific limits for computer network coverage, EDP insurance offers broader coverage that includes additional causes such as power surges. You may even secure coverage for virus attacks.

Protecting Your Business From Its Greatest Exposure Commercial Liability Insurance from Draper Smith Insurance Group

In today’s litigious environment, liability exposure is a very real risk. This is doubly true for businesses. We’ve all heard news reports of astronomical court-ordered awards for a plethora of situations most reasonable individuals couldn’t imagine. That’s why commercial liability insurance is so very important for all businesses. In our opinion, it is the most important coverage line recommended for your business.

Commercial liability is often referred to as general liability due to the broad commercial insurance protection it affords. There are also additional liability coverage lines that may play an important role in further protecting your business.

  • Professional Liability Insurance (Errors & Omissions)
    E&O coverage protects professionals against any negligence, errors, or omissions that result in financial loss to your clients or a third party. This is a critical coverage for licensed professionals including agricultural consultants, accountants, attorneys, architects, physicians, engineers and technology companies.
  • Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)
    Liability exposure from employees extends beyond typical on-the-job injuries. From wrongful termination to discrimination; sexual harassment and other violations of employee rights, any allegation could result in an expensive lawsuit. EPLI covers these employee related liabilities. Our markets also have the ability to protect an insured from wage and hour violations and provide legal defense in the event of a lawsuit.
  • Directors & Officers Insurance (D&O)
    When a company director or officer speaks, their statements are carefully scrutinized and subject to misinterpretation. Oftentimes this may lead to lawsuits against a company. D&O insurance covers directors & officers of a company for misleading statements that result in lawsuits, as well as negligent acts or omissions. D&O policies can be expanded to include protection for employment practice liability as well.

Inquire About Our Various Insurance Products

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